CBD vape pens, CBD gummies, and the CBD oil UK Consumers have access to are some of, if not the best, CBD products available to buy. The global CBD industry is worth billions. The UK CBD industry is projected to be worth £1 billion itself by as early as 2025. The reason for this growth is that more people are trying CBD every day, and these people continue to buy CBD.
Not all CBD is the same. CBD sold in the UK is different than many other places. UK CBD must adhere to strict regulatory requirements. It must only be produced from EU-approved hemp cultivars containing 0.2% THC or less. According to the Misuse Of Drugs Act 2001, all products must contain a maximum of 1 mg of any controlled substance per closed container. Because of these reasons, CBD sold in the UK undergoes multiple third-party independent lab testing.

The results of these tests are made readily available to consumers. This makes UK CBD some of the best on the market.

CBD also comes in three different varieties. There is CBD isolate, broad-spectrum CBD, and full-spectrum CBD. CBD isolate contains nothing but CBD. All other cannabinoids and other compounds have been removed. Broad-spectrum CBD contains all cannabinoids, flavonoids, and terpenes minus THC. Full-spectrum CBD has everything, including very minuscule amounts of THC. Consumers look for full-spectrum CBD and broad-spectrum CBD when they want to experience the entourage effect. The entourage effect is a theory where cannabinoids work better together than when isolated such as the case with CBD isolate.

What Do People Use CBD For?

People report CBD helping them control the symptoms of chronic pain, mild pain, arthritis, stress, depression, nausea, loss of appetite, PTSD, migraine headaches, and more. There are a plethora of different CBD products and multiple different methods of consumption when it comes to CBD. This means, chances are, there is a perfect way for you to enjoy your daily intake of CBD.

The potential health benefits made by people around the world do not necessarily classify as authentic research. They don’t necessarily mean that CBD does exactly what everyone says it does. However, keep in mind that if CBD wasn’t working, people wouldn’t continue to buy it. Not only are people continuing to buy CBD, but more people are trying CBD for the first time on a continual basis.

This has led to substantial growth in the global CBD industry. UK CBD alone is worth hundreds of millions and is on track to be a £billion-dollar industry within the next few years. CBD sales already surpass the total sales combined of both vitamin C and D in the UK, put together. That says a lot about what CBD is doing for people. One of the most common issues people face today daily is dealing with anxiety.

What is Anxiety?

Anxiety is a natural emotional and physical response experienced by people. It is our way of dealing with stressful situations. Anxiety is a good thing as long as it is not constant. Anxiety can help alert us to potentially dangerous situations and help lead to making smart decisions. Too much anxiety, however, can do the exact opposite.

When anxiety begins to take over someone on a consistent basis, a person may begin to experience uncomfortable physical symptoms such as nausea, headaches, muscle cramps, and more. Many of the common medications for anxiety have a long list of potentially dangerous and unwanted side effects. This leads many people down an avenue looking for natural alternatives to help deal with anxiety. This is leading many people to finding CBD because CBD is helping many people with anxiety.

How Can CBD Help Anxiety?

Many people find that CBD helps them with anxiety. For a lot of people, when anxiety strikes, that’s when help is needed. This makes vaping CBD a very popular option for those looking to manage sudden anxiety. Those who face daily anxiety typically incorporate CBD edibles as part of their regimen to help them battle the symptoms they experience from anxiety. Research published on the National Institute of Health website says, “Evidence from human studies strongly supports the potential for CBD as a treatment for anxiety disorders.”

In this research, oral doses of CBD starting at 300 mg and going up to 600 mg help to reduce induced anxiety. Anxiety can be felt throughout the body. Part of the body that helps regulate functions like this is called the endocannabinoid system, or ECS for short. CBD works in conjunction with the ECS to increase cannabinoid receptor activation indirectly by elevating endocannabinoid levels through its action on endocannabinoid metabolism.

In short, consuming CBD has the potential to increase the functionality of the ECS. Receptors such as CB1 and CB2 receptors located throughout the body help deliver therapeutic benefits such as calming effects, pain relief, and more. This happens to a reaction of chemicals in the body, such as serotonin and or melatonin levels increasing or decreasing thanks to cannabinoid interaction with the ECS.

What Are the Best CBD Vape Pens for Anxiety?

The best vape pen for anxiety is the one with highest concentration of CBD, and now you can buy CBD vape pens kit from £9.99 at CBD Oil King, CBD pens conatin no nicotine and no THC. To have the best chance at a vape pen that works for your anxiety, only purchase CBD vape pens from reputable sources offering independent lab test results with their product. Brands that have built a solid, trustworthy reputation are the best place to start.

If you wish to completely avoid THC because of drug tests or personal reasons, you will only want to use a CBD vape made from CBD isolate. If you have tried a CBD isolate product and it just doesn’t seem to do the trick for you, don’t give up yet. Find a CBD vape pen made using broad-spectrum CBD. By using this kind of vape pen, you avoid any THC but may experience the entourage effect where cannabinoids, terpenes, and other plant compounds work together, producing more efficient results.

If THC is not an issue with you, you may want to try a full spectrum CBD vape product. Full-spectrum CBD vape is made utilizing all cannabinoids (including THC), terpenes, and flavonoids found in cannabis. If you are looking to see what the entourage effect is all about, this is the best way to experience it, as it gives you some of everything cannabis has to offer. If you suffer from anxiety and are looking for help, maybe you need a CBD vape pen for anxiety.