What is CBD Oil

CBD oil is made from hemp plants and a legal product in most European countries. The oil is used as a dietary supplement and many people appreciate the beneficial effects of this product. Since there are many questions about CBD oil, we have summarized the most asked questions for you. Cannabidiol is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid that occurs in hemp. CBD oil sale online.

What is CBD Oil?

CBD oil is made from hemp plants and contains a lot of CBD and no or very little THC. CBD oil does not cause a mental or psychoactive effect but has a beneficial effect. CBD oil is used by people who suffer from a variety of ailments. We sell CBD oil as a dietary supplement and we can not give medical advice.

Is CBD Oil legal?

CBD oil is legal in the Netherlands and most European countries. The product is made with industrial hemp so does not contain or very little THC. THC is an illegal substance in most European countries. More specifically, the brand of CBD Medihemp which is the only brand of CBD in Europe, is certified organic.

 What is the difference between CBD oil and THC oil?

CBD oil is made with hemp and contains little or no THC. THC oil is made with cannabis and contains a lot of THC and can of CBD. THC oil is also called Rick Simpson oil and is an illegal product in the Netherlands because of a high concentration of THC.

Cannabis Sativa L.

For the sake of clarity, a short explanation on the origin of our products. The industrial hemp used to make all our CBD products comes from the botanical family “Cannabis Sativa Linnaeus”. This botanical name includes all varieties of cannabis. Industrial hemp is the wise nephew of this great botanical family. Industrial hemp does not contain psychoactive substances. There is therefore no difference between the possible Indica or Sativa effects because hemp does not have these properties..0

How many drops of CBD oil should I use?

The use of CBD oil can vary by person and by product. It is advisable to start with a dose of 1-2 drops, 1-2 times a day. Then you can adjust the dose according to your needs. Also read the instructions for use in the instructions supplied with the product.

Things to consider when buying CBD products:

  • Buy only CBD oil from a renowned brand
  • Do not buy CBD without Certificate of Analysis (COA)
  • Buy only CBD products from reputable online stores
  • Learn about the active cannabinoids found in CBD oil
  • Learn about the oil used to dissolve the CBD
  • If you are sure of the product you are looking for, buy it in economical packaging

How to take CBD oil?

The product is taken orally, you put one or a few drops under the tongue. To avoid an overdose, you can also put the drops on the hand and lick them. Some people do not like the taste, they can put the product on a piece of bread. Shake well before use.

 Do I become “high” or “stoned” with CBD oil?

No, CBD oil does not contain psychoactive substances so it does not cause mental effects. Users have indicated that they feel more relaxed after use.

Can CBD oil cure cancer?

There is too little information and results based on available research to decide. Usually, THC oil is used in combination with CBD oil to relieve or cure patients with cancer. Cannabis is also used to relieve the side effects of cancer and radiation. For more information on this topic see the links at the bottom of this article.

How long can I keep CBD oil?

CBD oil should be kept in a dark, cool place, such as a refrigerator. The oil can be kept for at least 1 year. Cooling reduces the viscosity of the oil. Always use CBD oil at room temperature.

Does CBD oil help cure my disease?

We sell CBD oil as a dietary supplement and we can not give medical advice. Many people, and also our customers, appreciate the beneficial effect of CBD oil. If you want to know if CBD oil can help heal your disease or condition, do some research on the internet. A number of reliable websites are mentioned at the bottom of this article.

Preventive use of CBD

Why use CBD oil preventively? A fair application of the preventive use of CBD is also related to the reduction of the use of ordinary drugs. An added psychological benefit is increased attention to a healthy lifestyle. We are convinced that it is possible to lengthen life in a natural way, and stay healthy. Do not underestimate the influence of quality sleep, regular sports, and healthy eating.

You can use the CBD for a long time

CBD is a dietary supplement and can be used for prolonged periods, sometimes even for life. This is very easy for many people: Preventative intake of CBD becomes a habit, as there are many good habits. You will naturally get used to the taste, and if this continues to be problematic, we advise you to use the capsules, which do not taste bitter. The question is: what for preventive use of CBD oil? This question is easily understandable: When you do not have any symptoms yet, the need to take CBD is not clear to everyone.

Even if you put yourself in a motivated way, you can doubt the usefulness of the CBD in the long run. Once you are in the habit of taking CBD, you may feel perfectly healthy. You can then think that you no longer need the CBD. It is important to persevere. So, continue to preventively take our CBD oil without worry. You will not regret it.